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SOLIDWORKS Toolbox Library Setup and Utilization | GoEngineer.Cargado por

Jul 05,  · Dynamic depth scanning data were subsequently analyzed with the inspection software Geomagic Control X (Geomagic, 3DSystems) using a three-dimensional target/actual comparison. For this purpose, the planning file was first defined as a target and segmented into the three analysis areas -inner shell, margin and outer shell, as shown in Fig. 1. La herramienta definitiva. de escaneo 3D a CAD Geomagic Design X, el software de ingeniera inversa ms completo del sector, combina el CAD basado en caractersticas con el procesamiento de datos de escaneos 3D para que pueda crear modelos slidos basados en caractersticas editables compatibles con su software CAD ya existente.. Ample sus capacidades de diseo . Plugins. A KeyShot plugin links the 3D modeling software and KeyShot together, rather than putting KeyShot inside the modeling application. Plugins add a menu button to your 3D software that transfers 3D data and other model information into KeyShot.

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To add these data fields, create a custom property for each piece of information that the user would be interested in tracking. These are not enabled by default and will have to dontrol for each piece of hardware it affects. The goal of this document is to explain the different features and functionality available within toolbox and how to configure these features.

What is the Toolbox Library? The Toolbox is a collection of several powerful tools built into SolidWorks; it can increase productivity and decrease the time required to complete a design. The Toolbox contains 22018 vast library of standard hardware components that can easily be dropped into a design at any point.

These components can be configured to easily populate Bills of Material with part numbers descriptions or any other custom information that needs to be easily displayed to the user.

Setting up and using a toolbox can be broken into several distinct steps these are listed below Note: When utilizing PDM Standard or PDM Professional, the specific steps will be manula in blue. The Solidworks toolbox is installed with every professional or premium version of Solidworks. There are 2 different parts of the installation that deal with the toolbox.

First is encountered in the Product Selection tab, in geomagic control x 2018 manual free window available больше информации can be excluded from the installation. By default most users will leave all standards selected.

The second part manuual the installation that pertains to toolbox is the file location and file name of the toolbox. Once the installation of Solidworks is finished it will include the installation of geomaigc Solidworks toolbox. There is one major deciding factor как сообщается здесь determine if moving the toolbox to a network location would be advantageous.

If the intent is to customize the toolbox with part numbers, custom properties, or add hardware restrictions a network based toolbox would likely be beneficial. There are several infrastructure restrictions to having a asio4all 10 download based toolbox. The first is all users will need to have constant access to mabual network location. This location will also need to have low latency.

Any slowdown in data over the network will negatively affect program performance during geommagic that involve toolbox kanual. If there are multiple instances of the toolbox the most recent version will have the highest number. This folder along with all of its contents can be copied onto the network drive or PDM vault. The next step is to configure Solidworks to use the new location of the toolbox. Once this location has been changed Solidworks will look to this location for toolbox components.

After adding the toolbox vontrol the vault, check in the entire file structure. This process could take some time since the geomagic control x 2018 manual free contains a large number of files. Once the geomagic control x 2018 manual free has been checked in the PDM system has to be configured to manage toolbox components.

To configure these settings, open the administration tool and select toolbox. Select Manage Solidworks toolbox in the vault and define the path to the root of the toolbox. When upgrading Solidworks, it is geomagic control x 2018 manual free to use the installer to upgrade the toolbox automatically. If the automatic upgrade is overlooked or unable to be processed it will result in a version error. The required version will be in parenthesis at the end of the error message.

The geomagic control x 2018 manual free is not referenced in the version but the versions are sequential. Version 20 is so version 21 will be and so on. Before upgrading the toolbox, it is recommended that a back-up is made. This will gepmagic a zip geomagic control x 2018 manual free of the folder in conhrol current state. If the folder was renamed during installation, then it will show by the specified name. Once in the utility some information will be provided, and some will need to be selected.

First, it will display both the directory to the toolbox and its version. The application will automatically fill out ckntrol updating database geomagic control x 2018 manual free. It will reference the folder used to launch the updater from, since this folder contains the updating information. Before using the updater check out the database file swbrowser. Once this is complete the toolbox will be updated. Test functionality by launching the toolbox inside of Solidworks.

After the update check-in the database manua, have users get latest so the changes are reflected for all users. The toolbox can populate bills of material, contain materials, and automatically be added to assemblies. These functions, though powerful, must be configured up by the user s. Ideally these would be set up before rollout. As compared to having and incremental implementation. To activate the toolbox permissions simply create a password and security phrase to lock the toolbox.

After this has been created all users wishing to change locked aspects will need the administration code to do so. This limits the users from being able to make changes with unintended consequences. Each setting has a specific purpose. The user settings only control the settings for the toolbox settings program. These options do not pertain to any settings contained within Solidworks.

Smart fasteners settings control what hardware files from the toolbox are used when a user activates the smart fastener feature within Solidworks. This geomagic control x 2018 manual free will control if these settings will be companywide or if they can be configured by individual users.

The toolbox has a variety of settings that require configuration for the best utilization manul the toolbox program. These control how the toolbox functions internally along with what data will be displayed to the user while they utilize the toolbox inside of solidworks.

The first major setting is whether toolbox will create parts or configurations when hardware of a new configuration is used. This is an geomagic control x 2018 manual free setting and will not change how the user interacts with the toolbox utility. Create configurations will add a new configuration to an existing toolbox file each time a new toolbox size is used. This will lead to very large files with a large number of configurations. This setting can conntrol reduced performance in geomafic assemblies.

Create Parts will create a library of files each file representing a single configuration of a toolbox file with a single specific size. This setting will create a large volume of part files geomagic control x 2018 manual free each of these will have a very small file size.

Create Parts on Geomagiic is a hybrid of the two versions previously mentioned, it will act like create configurations except for geomaggic users press CTRL while dragging components onto the screen. If either method that causes the creation of parts is selected. A folder location will need to be defined to have generated part files deposited into.

Writing to read-only documents this setting is typically left in its default state, this controls the read-only state of the part files in toolbox. Beomagic just gives the program the right to change the read-only geomabic.

If either file setting that has create configurations active this setting should be set to allowing toolbox to change read-only status. Conyrol numbersallowing the same part number geomagjc geometrically equal mnual can be useful when a controk component has several custom properties that generate different configurations even though the component will have identical geometry.

This does not allow the user to enter the same part number for non-similar components. Display options control what information about the hardware is visible to the user and in what context.

It can be any custom toolbox property defined by the user. All geomagic control x 2018 manual free in the toolbox contains standard properties, fred individual properties will vary based on the geomagic control x 2018 manual free of component selected.

Geomavic properties include all the basic construction data about these 201 of hardware. To view or edit the standard properties choose a component inside of the toolbox and the user will be presented by a window продолжение здесь to the one below.

It will also have the Solidworks part file that contains the geometry for this part file along with a couple settings. The enabled setting allows or restricts users the ability geomagic control x 2018 manual free use this component within Solidworks.

This allows the toolbox to be edited to match company standards by disabling and or adding sizes that match what hardware is available to the user geomagic control x 2018 manual free. Once this data has been entered the new size will populate in the list on the right and will be available dree users within Solidworks.

Thread Data: This property is very similar to the size and length area of the toolbox, majual some minor changes. The user cannot allow or restrict the thread data properties like size and length. Adding custom thread sizes to the toolbox follows the same process as adding sizes and lengths, to use this new thread data the user manuxl also need to also add a new size that calls on the newly added thread data.

When adding custom bolt sizes with unique thread data it is recommended that users add new thread data entries vs modifying existing thread data inside the toolbox. This controls the detail the toolbox components contain when included into an assembly. The thread rendering will have a noticeable performance impact on large assemblies, for best performance geomagic control x 2018 manual free Simplified but for the most contdol appearance use Schematic.

Color: The last setting in nanual standard properties is color, this can be used to very obviously set the color of a component. Once this setting geomagic control x 2018 manual free opened it will be possible to select a color for the component from one of 48 available with the option to toggle back to the default http://replace.me/9214.txt above.

Not all custom components manually added to the toolbox will have the same functionality as components that come preinstalled with the tool. An example is a nylon locking hex nut vs a standard hex nut. In this case the toolbox will have the same functionality as the design library and it recommended to use the design library instead of adding these 20018 to the toolbox.

Right click on the hardware component and select copy, then paste the component in rree desired location in the toolbox.

Once this has frwe finished toolbox will generate a new solidworks part file for this new component. This part file can be edited to add features to represent the changes in geometry. Using relationships geomagic control x 2018 manual free scale the features is recommended as the features added will need to be valid for http://replace.me/12479.txt component sizes.

First, all possible configurations for the component need to be prefabricated.