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[Metal Slug 7 For PC Game Download Full Version Free PcKeySoft

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It was originally released on the Nintendo DS nearly a decade ago which is just crazy to think about. Moving the series to the Nintendo DS was a brave move and a move that many fans of the series myself included were quite worried about.

The story of Metal Slug 7 actually takes place after the events of Metal Slug 4. So yes, the timeline of events in the Metal Slug series is kind of all over the place, but that is part of what I love about it. It seems a pretty standard affair at first until the time portal opens up and all hell breaks loose! That is right, Metal Slug 7 features soldiers from the future. One thing that is worth noting about this game is that I feel it is the shortest of all the Metal Slug games.

I have been able to blow through this in around an hour! To be honest with you, the game is intended to be played over and over again. One thing that is a tad disappointing is that the game does not feature any new characters at all.

The same team from Metal Slug 6 actually feature in this game. The good news about that is that each of the characters has their special abilities that they had in the last game. This is something that I really do like and for me, it actually made me want to play through the game with each of the six characters. As well as bringing back the cast. Metal Slug 7 is also bringing back the new gameplay mechanics that Metal Slug 6 offered.

The weapon stock system that allows you to carry multiple upgrades is back. As is the rush blaster high score combo system that I think is a lot of fun! You have three modes of play. You have a beginner, normal and hard mode.

This time around you can play through the whole game, no matter the difficulty level you are on. Also, the ability to play the game in cop-op is now gone which is a real shame.

You have three new Slugs that you can use in the game! My favorite of the new three Slugs has to be the Slug Gigant. It is a big robot looking thing and it is awesome. Actually, it is the kind of thing that would make an awesome Funk Pop figure so you guys at Funko get on that. Thankfully, Metal Slug 7 was first released in This means that we were passed the point of developers forcing in touch screen stuff in Nintendo DS games.

As a result, you play the game on the top screen and the bottom screen is used to show the map. This is actually way more useful than you would think. I really liked what they did with Metal Slug 7. It is a nice entry to the series and even though it is on the short side. It is the kind of game that you can play over and over again.

Browse games Game Portals. Metal Slug 7. Install Game. Click the “Install Game” button to initiate the free file download and get compact download launcher. Locate the executable file in your local folder and begin the launcher to install your desired game. Game review Downloads Screenshots Overall rating: 8. GameFabrique


[Download metal slug 7 for pc full version

This game introduces new missions, charactersmetal slug 7 full pc game free Free Download Metal Slug 7 Full Version – Metal Slug is a game released by. Metal Slug 7 game download is released for Nintendo DS. You can also Download Aegis Defenders Game Free For PC Full Version.


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